

Newly released from UNM Press and part of the Mary Burritt Christiansen Poetry Series, this third book of poetry focuses on immigration and ancestors. Poems dedicated to DiBella Seluja’s ancestors, all immigrants themselves, are juxtaposed with poems that concern themselves with issues at the US southern border. Various “points of entry” are considered as Katherine honors her family history and raises questions of equity and accountability for the state of immigration in the world today.


NEW from 3: A Taos Press, a collaborative poetry collection featuring the voices of Leda, Lilith and the migrant girl. This book began as a response to political events and the urgent need for strong female voices. Leda, Lilith and an anonymous migrant girl speak to each through epistolary poems across time. Hilda Raz has called this collection “the songbook of our future”. Ilya Kaminsky has declared it “a brilliant collection in which three different voices compose one choral whole, re-envisioning a myth into our lives.” And Amy Beeder has described the book as, “Elegiac, lush, and eerily prescient…..this astonishing sequence speaks of exile, dislocation, and the terrible beauty of transformation.” Available from 3: A Taos Press.


I’m so happy to announce the publication by UNM Press of my first collection of poems GATHER THE NIGHT. This book is dedicated to my brother, Lou who lived with schizophrenia and substance addiction. The poems examine the impact of mental illness and addiction on the individual as well as the family. Included are prose poems and persona poems that express in the voice of psychosis, the voice of addiction, and Lou’s imagined voice. There are also poems inspired by my experiences in healthcare and in particular my years working with premature infants in the newborn ICU. GATHER THE NIGHT is available for e-readers and in hard copy from UNM Press and Amazon.

Upcoming Readings


Tuesday, 1/8 @ 7pm

with GennaRose Nethercott reading from The Lumberjack’s Dove

BAD MOUTH reading series

Saturday, 1/12 @ 7pm

q-Staff Theatre, Albuquerque

with Lauren Camp, Ty Bannerman and AJ Woods